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Tiler in the press

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How New EU Legislation is Shaping the Future of Green Mobility

Discover how new EU policies are transforming green mobility, from electric vehicles to sustainable transport.

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The Road towards a new Urban Mobility System

A year ago, Darcy de Jongh conducted research into the development of new urban mobility for TILER, starting from TU Delft's strategic product design. Many conversations with municipalities and shared mobility providers have led to this visionary document.

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Case Study: Rent-a-Bike van Dam

Discover how Rent a Bike van Dam, in collaboration with TILER and X.Bike, tackled the challenge of on-location e-bike rental. By establishing an innovative e-bike hub at NH Hotel Leeuwenhorst, they reduced their operational costs and increased their rentals significantly. Read on to explore how this partnership resulted in more efficient operations and an enhanced user experience for guests seeking flexible and convenient bike rentals.

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